Beadlam News and Events 
Please note, the current content on this page is entirely fictitious and shown for demo purposes only 
Councillor Resignation  
The parish council were saddened to receive the resignation of Cynthia Cheney who had been a Councillor for more than ten years. 
Cynthia had been both Chair and Vice Chair as well as representing the parish council at numerous committee meetings. We wish Cynthia all the best for the future. 
from the October 2017 Meeting 
Emberton Park 
Residents may have seen the article in The Phone Box magazine where Olney Town Council had referred to Emberton Country Park as a possible site for a skate park.  
The parish council has responded to Olney Town Council stating that a skate park did not fall into the scope of what Emberton Park was originally set up for and would be better sited in Olney. 
from the October 2017 Meeting 
Thames Valley Police operation  
Emberton Parish Council reported to Thames Valley Police that there was still a large amount of traffic using the village as a short-cut at peak times to avoid/by pass the queues on the A509 into Olney, despite there being a traffic order in place to stop this. 
On Friday 29th September, two officers from Thames Valley Police attended Emberton to undertake an operation aimed at educating and deterring motorists from contravening the traffic order with the specific intention of identifying drivers of vehicles ignoring the traffic order and to stop and speak to such drivers and re-direct them back onto the A509. 
Between 3.30pm and 6pm, a total of 75 drivers were spoken to and re-directed back to the A509 to continue their journey. The driver of one vehicle, who did not stop when instructed to do so, has since been spoken to by Thames Valley Police. 
from the October 2017 Meeting 
Speed Indicator Devices (SIDs) 
As reported last month, the SIDs (smiley faces) have been up in the village during September at three locations. The data from the deployments can be found on the parish council website under the heading “Information”.  
The results from the data have again, proved alarming with a vehicle travelling at 59mph into Emberton from Olney, suggesting that this is not related to the rat running. For residents living on Olney Road or the turnings off Olney Road, this excessive speeding could prove fatal if they wanted to cross the road, walk along the path or pull out of their driveway. 
from the October 2017 Meeting 
Alerts on website 
Following a recent report to Thames Valley Police of a suspicious vehicle in Emberton, the parish council has decided to post alerts on the parish council website.  
If you report anything suspicious to the Police and would like residents to be made aware, please ask the clerk to post the information on the website. 
from the October 2017 Meeting 
Emberton Park 
There has been numerous comments from residents regarding the amount of litter in Emberton Park during the summer holidays. Milton Keynes Council have stated that Serco are required to clear litter and restore the grounds by a fixed time, so if persons are using the park before set times then it will look more dishevelled than once Serco have arrived and have committed to litter picking and reinstatement.  
A litter picker was working in Emberton Park for 5 days per week during August but this has now been discontinued. If you are concerned about any issues relating to Emberton Park, these can be reported to Milton Keynes Council environmental services via their website or at the gatehouse in the Park. 
from the September 2017 Meeting 
Smart Water 
In conjunction with Thames Valley Police, the parish council are able to offer Smart Water at a reduced cost of £8.95 per bottle. The product is enough solution to mark around 25-30 items. Each bottle of Smart Water has a unique forensic code making marked valuables identifiable. Smart Water is only visible under UV light. It is easy to apply and almost impossible to remove.  
The kit comes with 12 property labels and 2 window labels. Recognised by criminals, the “Smart Water thieves beware” signage sends out a warning to any would be thieves. The parish council will be purchasing 20 bottles of Smart Water and they will be available to residents on a first come, first served basis. Please contact the clerk to order a bottle. 
from the September 2017 Meeting 
Following on from the report in last month’s Well & Towers, the parish council are pleased to report that Marcus Young Landscapes have been appointed to spray the footpaths and hard surfaces in the village over a period of two days.  
It is anticipated that a continuous weed spraying programme will be allocated in next year’s budget. 
from the September 2017 Meeting 
Speed Indicator Devices (SIDs) 
The SIDs (smiley faces) have been up in the village during September at three locations. The data from the deployments can be found on the parish council website under the heading “Information”. 
from the September 2017 Meeting 
The parish council have sought advice from Milton Keynes Council on the issue of bonfires. The advice from MKC is as follows; "Improving the quality of the environment" is a priority for Milton Keynes Council and it actively discourages bonfires whether they are in gardens, on allotments or demolition/construction sites.  
Bonfires have a seriously detrimental effect on health and the wider environment. It is not possible to have a bonfire, of any sort, without it causing air pollution and releasing chemicals into the environment.  
Unless you live in a very rural area with no immediate neighbours the fumes from any bonfire you light will affect other people and will almost certainly constitute a Statutory Nuisance under the Environmental Protection Act 1990 on the grounds that the fumes are "injurious to health". 
from the September 2017 Meeting 
Bonfires – Alternatives - Garden and allotment waste 
Compost it! Put it in your green wheely bin for collection! Don't burn it! The argument that you cannot compost some things such as weeds or diseased material and these must be burnt, is just nonsense. If you build your compost heap properly it will kill everything off.  
If you don't want to compost some weeds and/or diseased material then dig a trench in your allotment/garden and bury it. It will slowly break down returning nutrients to the soil. If it is woody material put it through a wood-chipper then use it as a mulch to keep the weeds down. 
Whatever you do, don't burn it! Burning it just turns potential nutrients into carbon dioxide and toxic compounds which damage health and the environment. 
from the September 2017 Meeting 
Throughout the country complaints about noise are increasing. People are bothered by noise from parties, factories, entertainments, intruder and car alarms, audio systems, barking dogs and many other sources. Milton Keynes is no different and the Environmental Health Department receives more complaints about noise than any other topic.  
The Noise Act 1996 states that the hours of “night” are 11pm to 7am. The parish council respectfully requests that residents act with consideration regarding noise and neighbours and suggests that if you are having building works undertaken or throwing a party, that you advise your neighbours and keep noise to a minimum between the hours of night. 
from the September 2017 Meeting