Parish Council
This section of the website is designed to bring you useful information about Beadlam and its Parish Council. The aim of the Parish Council is to be a focal point for local consultation on matters that effect the Parish of Beadlam and its residents.
Public participation is very important to us, if you are unable to find what your looking for on these pages or would like to add your views about local issues, please get in touch.
Using this website the Parish Council aims to bring you up to date information including, agendas, minutes, planning applications, elections, essential services and more. Our aim is to make it easier for you, the residents, to access information that matters to you.

The Parish Council has 5 members and meets on the first Monday of each month in the Memorial Hall at 7.00pm. Any changes to times and dates of meetings are advertised on this web site and the Parish Council notice board, which is located at the start of High Lane.
All Council meetings are open to the public and press so there are lots of ways you can get involved with your Parish Council. Whilst the councillors will endeavour to help with any problems it should be born in mind that their area of responsibility is limited and that many area where you may experience problems controlled by either the North Yorkshire County Council or Ryedale District Council. Click here for further details.